Poorman's Javascript Credit Card Encryption Demo
This is a demo site for my idea of a poor man's javascript encryption solution. The idea here is that you do not need a secure server for this to work. What happens is this.. your user enters their credit card information in a form on one of your pages on your server. When they click "Submit", ..
  1:  Before the page is sent, the embedded javascript will remove the credit card numbers and expiration date from their input windows, rendering all those input fields empty.
  2:  Before the page is sent, the removed credit card numbers and expiration date, will be encrypted. When done, looking something like ' zWFDka2tThcKCZNGd$b@c34VFw3(saf2dd$av563=623vs#2345vf902+-435qk2t5xZ'
  3:  The encrypted information string will then be transmitted over the Internet along with all the rest of the form's information to your server using our own private, embedded and hidden ID tag.
  4:  The receiving page on your server, using our sister javascript routine, will unencrypt the encrypted credit card number string and pass the variables to the appropriate places on the server.
  Enter Test (Dummy) Credit Card Number
Credit Card Number: / / / /
Expiration Date (MM/YY): / /